The Masonic Lodge of Love and Friendship was founded in 1945 by permission of the Court of theWorshipful Company of the Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers.
The members of the Lodge have a common bond in that they are Liverymen of the Company, although it has recently been agreed to admit members of other Liveries that do not have a Lodge attached.
The members meet and dine four times a year at Furniture Makers Hall.
The Lodge, Company, and City are inextricably linked in several ways. Three of the founders of the Lodge of Love & Friendship were Past Masters of the Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers. Today six Master Wyre Drawers are members of the Lodge.
The links between Freemasonry and the City go deeper still, there are 25 masonic Lodges connected to individual Livery Companies.
These range from Pellipar Lodge (Worshipful Companies of Merchant Taylors and Skinners) founded in 1897 to City Gate Lodge (Worshipful Company of Security Professionals) founded in 2013.
One of the main aims of the Lodge is charitable giving. In the last 22 years Love and Friendship has donated almost £100,000 to charities nominated by the members.