The Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers maintains the traditions and customs of the City of London and supports the Lord Mayor and Corporation in promoting the status and the image of the City. It also provides a link to the modern usage of gold and silver wire and thread.
The Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers maintains the traditions and customs of the City of London and supports the Lord Mayor and Corporation in promoting the status and the image of the City. It also provides a link to the modern usage of gold and silver wire and thread.

The Principal Aims of the Company are:
- to dispense charitable funds to deserving causes
- to maintain links with the City and other Livery Companies and to support the Lord Mayor
- to create a friendly and hospitable environment in which likeminded people may meet socially
- to provide a link to modern usage of gold and silver wire and thread
What we do:
- Run a full programme of dinners and lunches and other informal events, including an annual Master’s weekend trip away (often abroad)
- Maintain bursaries
- Make charitable donations and grants
- Support a number of schools
- Foster links with our affiliated Service units
- Produce an annual magazine

The Company is governed by a Court consisting of the Master, four Wardens, 15 Assistants, voting Past Masters and Past Masters Emeriti. The Master and Wardens take office annually in early January and these offices are attained normally by progression. The remainder of the Court of Assistants consists of Past Masters and Assistants, elected by the Court, the latter forming a seniority list based on the date of election. Progression to the office of Fourth Warden each year is by both selection and seniority.
When a vacancy on the Court occurs, members of the Court propose and second Liverymen for election. The election is by secret ballot and is usually competitive resulting in a minority of nominees securing election at the first attempt. After 7 years past the office of Master, Past Masters are elevated to the status of Past Master Emeritus.
The Court is supported by a number of committees. The Master and First Warden sit on all except the Past Masters’ Committee. All committees report in to the Master’s Committee, other than the Past Masters’ Committee which reports directly to the Court. Currently the committees are:
- Past Masters’ Committee
- Master’s Committee
- Finance and Investment Committee
- Charity, Fundraising and Events Committee (known as CFE)
- Trade Committee
- Communications and Editorial Committee (known as Comms Ed)
- Legacy & Conservation Committee